Selinger Summit On Transparency

Author: Colin Craig 2010/07/26

Today the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, Provincial Council of Women (Manitoba), Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties and the Canadian Association of Journalists had a meeting with Premier Greg Selinger.

So what could possibly bring us all together? The incredibly sexy topic of transparency in government.

Yes, it's not the most exciting topic in the world, but ensuring that citizens have access to government information is an important part of any healthy democracy. After all, it helps journalists, advocacy groups such as ours, members of the public and opposition parties hold government bodies accountable.

As you can see from our presentation (click here to view) to the Premier, bold promises were made while the NDP were in opposition, bit have yet to be fulfilled. Thankfully, the meeting was positive. The Premier listened to our advice and committed to consider it going forward.

While the government has improved transparency in some areas, our presentation shows there is still plenty of room for improvement. One thing is for certain, if the NDP does improve its transparency track record, we'll be there to give them a pat on the back - as we have done in the past (click here to view)


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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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